"I Miss my mom.

I don't get to see her much, so her reading means the world to me"

Our Mission

Connecting children with their
incarcerated moms through the joy of

Turning Pages

Children with incarcerated parents haven’t committed a crime. They are a vulnerable population who are often overlooked and forgotten. Keeping in contact can be difficult from prison as offenders may be held long distances from their families. Those that maintain contact are up to 6 times less likely to return to prison.

Turning Lives

I have two daughters who absolutely love their books. It has been a blessing to be able to be a part of this program. It has made me real in their little lives once again.” Women’s Storybook Project (WSP) enables families to reconnect through the simple act of reading a story.

Women’s Storybook Project –
A Women’s Prison Program

Reading Behind Bars

Women’s Storybook Project of Texas (WSP) is a women’s prison program that connects children with their incarcerated mothers through the joy of literature. The primary goal of WSP is to reduce the rate of re-incarceration among incarcerated mothers by strengthening the mother-child connection through literature. This literature project requires volunteers to travel to Texas female prisons to record incarcerated mothers as they read stories to their children.

These recordings provide a chance for children to hear their mother’s voice while they are away. Connecting the children and mothers helps provide a reason for the mothers to work hard not to return to prison.

Dear whoever gets this note, please let my mom keep reading the books to me, one more thing: I love hearing her voice.

- Cameron

Thanks for helping us be better mothers to our children. So many have just written us off.

- A Storybook mom

The lives of female offenders and their children benefit from The Storybook Project! Ms. Judith and all the volunteers inspire me to do all I can to make a difference in female offender programs as well. Thank you Story Book, thank you!

- Lori Davis, Director of Correctional Institutions Division, TDCJ

Our Impact 2003-2023


Mothers who recorded stories


Books/ Recording Mailed to Children


Volunteer Hours


Active Volunteers


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