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Resources for Talking with Children about Incarceration

Sesame Street Parent Tool Kit on Incarceration” Little Children, Big Challenges”

Harris County Resources for Children and Families of Incarcerated People

Travis County Sheriff’s Office Victim Services Unit “Child Sensitive Arrests: A Guide for Caregivers”

Texas Inmate Families Association

The National Resource Center on Children and Families of the Incarcerated

Age-specific guidance

Advice for caregivers questionsfromcaregivers.pdf tipsforcaregiversfromcaregivers.pdf

U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services Tool Kit for working with Children of Incarcerated Parents

When a parent goes to prison: A guide to discussing your incarceration with your children

Parenting Inside Out (providing evidence-based curriculum for incarcerated mothers and fathers)

Materials targeted toward educators and caregivers and a collection of resources for children

For children in foster care ChangePartTwo-2001.pdf

Bibliotherapy Resources

Our Moms (Living with Incarcerated Parents) (Quniana Futrell, LLC , 2015) by Q. Futrell

Far Apart, Close in Heart: Being a Family when a Loved One is Incarcerated (2017)
by Becky Birtha and Maja Kastelic

What Do I Say About That? (2015) by Julia Cook and Anita DuFalla |  [ages 8-12]

The Night Dad Went to Jail: What to Expect When Someone You Love Goes to Jail (Life’s Challenges) Part of: Life’s Challenges (1 Books) | by Melissa Higgins and Wednesday Kirwan [ages 5-8]

A Day I’ll Never Forget (2016) by Dana L. Cunningham Ph.D. [ages 9-12]

Broken Promises: When Parents Don’t Keep Their Word (Therapeutic Helping Kids Heal Activity Book Series) (2014) by Erainna Winnett

Love Beyond the Bars (2019) by Khalia Shalon Parker Preyer and Naafi Nur Rohma

Missing Daddy (2019) by Mariame Kaba and Bria Royal [ages 3-7]

Deena Misses Her Mom (Books By Teens) (Volume 20)
Part of: Books By Teens (28 Books)  by Jonae Haynesworth, Jesse Holmes, et al. [ages 5-10]

Mommy’s Coming Home (Daddy’s Coming Home) (2020) by Dr. Latoya Lane Barber and Dr. Bahiyyah M. Muhammad

The Invisible String Workbook: Creative Activities to Comfort, Calm, and Connect (2019)
by Patrice Karst , Dana Wyss , et al.

Milo Imagines the World Hardcover (2021) by Matt de la Peña  (Author) and Christian Robinson  (Illustrator) [Ages 6-8]

Welcome Home: Mommy Gets Out Today (2015) by Jamantha Williams Watson  [ages 8-11]

Visiting Day (Scholastic, 2002) by Jacqueline Woodson [ages 5-7]

The Year the Swallows Came Early (HarperCollins, 2011) by Kathryn Fitzmaurice [ages 8-12]

Ruby on the Outside (2016) by Nora Raleigh Baskin [Ages: Older Children (11+]

Harbor Me (2020) by Jacqueline Woodson [Ages: 11+]

The Same Stuff as Stars (2015) by Katherine Paterson [ages 10+]

What Will Happen to Me? (Good Books, 2010) by Howard Zehr

Mama Loves Me from Away (Boyds Mills, 2004) by Pat Brisson [Out of print, but used on Amazon]

Let’s Talk about When a Parent Is in Jail (PowerKids Press, 2003) by Maureen Wittbold [Out of print, but used on Amazon]