
“FUN” raise for WSP to Amplify Austin!

“FUN” raise for WSP to Amplify Austin!

FUNraise for WSP and Amplify Austin

It’s almost here! Amplify Austin is just around the corner, and we need your help in making it a success for our organization. We can reach so many more lives and truly make an impact.  I thought it would be a great idea if the entire WSP team would “CHEERLEAD” during this campaign (SEE Number 4 in Amplify Austin-Ways attached! This will do a few things…(1) raise awareness (2) advocate for your personal passion (3) raise funds for Women’s Storybook Project programs.

THIS year – I’d propose that we cheerlead and ask (family, friends, colleagues and FACEBOOK) to make monthly/quarterly gifts.  By doing this, the gifts will in turn be larger, by allowing the donor to pay in smaller increments.

Example:  Sun Connor creates an individual fundraising page.  She shares it on social media and via email.   A friend of hers would like to contribute $250.  Instead of making a “one-time” donation of $250, he/she decides to pay $20 a month for 12 months.

There’s an option to make one time, monthly and/or quarterly gifts on Amplify Austin’s webpage.

WSP’s Amplify Austin goal is $13,000.  Our campaign is “Double the Dream”.  That’s roughly 52 people becoming sustaining donors to give $20 a month for a year…

If we can all get at a handful of donors to pledge $20 a month for a year – we’ll meet our goal!

All info is attached.  We can provide assistance getting individual campaigns set up if needed.
We hope everyone can have their page up – I can help. J

Sincerest thanks for all you do and give us a call with any questions!!