
Volunteer Spotlight: Betsy McCraine

Volunteer Spotlight: Betsy McCraine

Elizabeth McCraine first learned about WSP at her church, St. Matthew’s, 14 years ago, and she has been a team leader for about 12 years now. She still recalls the early stages of the program, when she and Pat Yeargain would haul tape recorders, cassettes, and supplies up to the Mountain View Unit. The first thing that stood out to her about the program was how dedicated the volunteers were. She was also surprised by the variety of people that work with WSP. She admires that the organization attracts women of all ages and backgrounds, from doctors, students, and lawyers, who want to help women and children. Elizabeth’s favorite part about working with Storybook is the response from the incarcerated mothers, children, and caretakers. She recalls mothers often saying they can’t sleep the night before the volunteers come to record them because they are so excited to get the opportunity to connect with their children. She also loves how thrilled the children are to receive their books.

    Elizabeth hopes other people appreciate the difference WSP makes in the lives of mothers, children, and volunteers alike. It is her firm belief that we all become better human beings when we help one another. 

    Elizabeth has also recently enjoyed some exciting experiences outside of Storybook. A few months ago, she was selected to be a distinguished visitor on the U.S.S. George H.W. Bush aircraft carrier stationed off of Norfolk, Virginia. She had the opportunity to tour the ship, eat meals with the officers, and spend the night on the carrier. At the end of her visit, her plane was catapulted off of the carrier!

Our dedicated volunteers enhance Women’s Storybook Project’s ability to serve incarcerated mothers in a myriad of ways. If you’re interested in serving in-prison, remote, in the office or with special events, please click here. Our mission is to help strengthen relationships and build hope for the future. Mothers in the program show their children that they are loved and missed.