
Volunteer Spotlight: Breanna Boppre, PhD

Volunteer Spotlight: Breanna Boppre, PhD

Breanna Boppre, PhD

“This fall. I saw WSP on Twitter. I looked up more about the organization and thought it would be an excellent service-learning partner for my students in Violence Against Women. We have a whole section on women’s incarceration in the class.”
– Dr. Breanna Boppre, Assistant Professor in the Department of Victim Studies at Sam Houston State University

What is your favorite thing about being involved with WSP?
“Helping mothers. Meeting the women in the program and helping them record themselves reading to their children was an incredible experience. When we arrived, the women thanked us for being there and helping them. They were very appreciative.”

What might someone be surprised to know about you?
“I personally understand the need for this incredible program. I myself was the child of incarcerated parents and am now a parent to a one-year-old.”

Our dedicated volunteers enhance Women’s Storybook Project’s ability to serve incarcerated mothers in a myriad of ways. If you’re interested in serving in-prison, remote, in the office or with special events, please click here. Our mission is to help strengthen relationships and build hope for the future. Mothers in the program show their children that they are loved and missed.