
Volunteer Spotlight: Cynthia Winer

Volunteer Spotlight: Cynthia Winer

Cynthia Winer has been working with Women’s Storybook Project since 2011. After five years as a team leader at Lane Murray, she now serves the program in the Volunteer Intake position. In this role, she helps volunteers get approved through the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and Windham School District.

“I love doing this job as I can help volunteers even if I’m traveling and away from home.” 

Cynthia first learned about WSP from a presentation shown during a National Council of Jewish Women meeting. 

“I was very impressed with how organized the program was, dealing with so may volunteers, prisons, and offenders. I was also overwhelmed with the dedication of the volunteers and how much they enjoyed their experience volunteering in the prisons with WSP.”

She loves every aspect of visiting the prisons, from meeting lots of different volunteers on the long ride up to Gatesville to working with the mothers and giving them an opportunity to connect with their children.

“Meeting the women in the prisons is interesting as I learn they are just moms who made a mistake and are trying to do something really good for their kids.”

Cynthia hopes that everyone learns how amazing the experience of working with WSP is. “It’s not scary, and the team leaders guide the volunteers and offenders through every step. Always the offenders are so grateful that we’ve taken the time to come and help them connect with their children!”

  Two fun facts about Cynthia: she was born in Guam, and she was a Girl Scout for 12 years!

Our dedicated volunteers enhance Women’s Storybook Project’s ability to serve incarcerated mothers in a myriad of ways. If you’re interested in serving in-prison, remote, in the office or with special events, please click here. Our mission is to help strengthen relationships and build hope for the future. Mothers in the program show their children that they are loved and missed.