
Volunteer Spotlight: Nicole Oglesby

Volunteer Spotlight: Nicole Oglesby

“I first got involved in WSP in September. I found it by chance after searching for opportunities to serve incarcerated women.”

What was your first impression of WSP?
The whole experience is very moving. I love seeing the mothers transform emotionally after reading to their children. It’s also a great way to connect with other volunteers through traveling together.
What has surprised you most about working with WSP?
I love seeing the breadth of literature selected. WSP really makes an effort to get access to books with themes that the children request. The books are relevant to all ages and interests of the children.
What is your favorite thing about being involved with WSP?
I love being of service to others through literature and storytelling. 
What do you wish other people knew about the project?
I wish other people knew how crucial and transformative it can be for families to connect in this way. 
What might (someone) be surprised to know about you?
I used to be a librarian, which is why I connect to the literacy and storytelling aspect of this program so deeply.

Our dedicated volunteers enhance Women’s Storybook Project’s ability to serve incarcerated mothers in a myriad of ways. If you’re interested in serving in-prison, remote, in the office or with special events, please click here. Our mission is to help strengthen relationships and build hope for the future. Mothers in the program show their children that they are loved and missed.